Tired man!!!
Sry bout yesterday
-.- encountered technical difficulty so today i'm gonna continue about what happen yesterday...
Ltr than talk bout today...
anw today oso nothin!! lmao
I took a closer shot of class doing HMT without letting Mrs Silvi Know. HAHA

Shh exams are still operating, still got 1 and half more weeks
zzz, very sian, parents pestering me to study///
Day And Night!!!
At Dnt(Design and Technology class) Mr tan was asking us for our presentation,
I tink i did not do well, dont even know wad to talk then our grp turn to present liao...
Mr tan didnt even care if we use our handphone anot.
quite a good teacher huh
So i took some pics on wad happen during Dnt
First pics was the slackest grp of all
consisting of Timmi and Ziyong
Say they gt do powerpoint put in CD
then go there CD inside empty -.-
lmao then no presentation, they continued talking crap.
gave them jus pass zzz
becuz i tink timmi didnt even do the powerpoint
bring for show only!!!

Close up!!

Then loon rong and shimin pics and other photos too
Jus browse lahzzz

Last pic jus ignore it
took it at plaza

Told u all today got nothin on
except studying geog and do art
see ya!!!
First exam started!!!
first exam we had was english paper 1..
Was quite stressed when teacher passed down the paper cuz i thought it was gonna be very difficult, actually no, it was okay
I wrote qn 5, on the race, wrote something about the horse race...
No choice, recess must force myself to eat so that during chinese wun fall asleep...
Chinese quite chim, only have 1h30min to do.
almost cannot do finish...
Then the shiwei keep laughing whenever a teacher came in...
-.- Especially when Mrs Silvi came to invigilate(quite true lah, she more Black than Mr Micheal)
Here are some pics on the Hmt having their,
mine finish first what
cuz i nev take HMT,
U tink i can, My chinese Suks!!!

Far corner
zzz continue nex time
got some error
Show u dnt pics nex time
Getting agitated....
Forget the title
.. write for fun one!
nothin to do so give u some quiz
like wad huan did
but mine is not that lame...
U can mean that
Jus go do la
i dun like crapping but today quite crap ah
some one came so late
and said was sick
duh i tink its ****
but sad to say gaya nev come
I miss her...-.-
no i miss the others more
and today i really damn slack
go shimin house read science 1 page den sian liao zzz.
diao then help her sister
But i went home before doing it..........
come home oso cant play cuz father at home.
may be i'll play after exam'
dunno why i said this but
maybe becuz is i jus learn 1
Lets remember 100 idioms!!!!
Finally a post
Yesterday was a worse day for me to post,..
wait till she cool down then now i can relax n post liao.
YESTERDAY...aaaaactually was quite fine man, only during Mr seng lesson then it started to fire,
wad fire??? of course our class start some fire la, with rain too. too bad no thunderous voice, if not more nice to watch... Kiding la..
No offence to those who are involveBut lets keep it a thing between our claz...
lets see
wad about today,
people who ** **** want to come to sch came...
Amazing man|||-.-
must cheer everyone up from sleep as geography arrived first.
Miracles do happen, everyone was listening
YES indeed since i came to sch,
first time of my life came across this kinda phenomenon..
Almost got caught by cheekiong for some matter.
Anw there is one generous guy who already donated $4 to the class fund
KOK XUAN ERfelt happy for him lol. always kena sabo by me for tucking out shirt. 1st 2nd then no more warning
hes finding a way to take revenge on me...(cant let his plan succeed)
Need da buy chocolate to cheer people up
maybe to cheer myself up too!!!
Muacks and see you next time.. next time will be very long LOL
Dun hurt people,respect them!
being Normal
I wish upon a star,
Wanna be right where you are
You set my world on fire
Babe I got a crush on you
Nah this lyrics are extracted from tata young song
came across the song and quite nice lah(dun laugh leh)
Anyway, in this cold world
Kidding, today was quite humid actually but im not a weather reporter...
Nothing much to talk about except my chinese test,
finally i had the last laugh..
Timmi failed his chinese test again while i got 31(thxs)
then loony nub very noob
don't know why i said that
maybe because his chinese test also failed
LOLThe thing is that today i was so good did not talk
my day was ruin by what is called the
Gaia LessonDamn sian la
anyway 就此搁笔,下回再谈!!!
Bad Day- by Daniel Powter.
Yay, all CCA stand down ler
more time to study to proof to Xiao Jun that she is inferior to me...
always say my results lousy(actualy is true la, dun even believe that my maths lose to Henry Elmo Mo Wayne Dicky Ma KOK Xuan Er Park, and chinese lose to timmi. Timmi that Bas****, nvm was angry with him cuz he dota very. very action lah.
Studies aside but still
do you agree that leisures are more important than studying???
i tink so because without relaxation we wont be able to cope up with our studies,thus our grades will deprove.
I don't know how Xiao Jun study but sure must have plenty of rest
Here's one tip(DO not study too much before the actual day, just do whatever you wanna do)
anyway tips are like ti**, seems like Gayathri is blind...
my geog essay she say write till so good but she only give me 7/10 GrrH!!!
Zhenyi say if shiwei apologise to her she will forgive me.
end up after shiwei apologise liao, she dun talk to me liao...(please do not elaborate further on my tagboard!!!) its just a summary of whats happening today..
COOL! Damian, i will hate you now man, -.-
Moral of story is here
Do not trust anyone except yourselfEven if your friend is kind and you are that kind of person who likes KIND people, just still dont' trust them.
I'm going to find out who the faggot write in my tagboard insulting me!!!
F*** Off man, you irritate me
...Oh ya, i jus remembered having some photos so come and take a look!!!.
1st: Reconise this guy
2nd:Ma ME MOle
3rd:Black black actually too black
4th:Look carefully at what they are doing. notice the girl looks like sucking somthin from this view
Image Gallery with PicTiger
Won Award
Though i slack alot in NJRC(National Junior Robotics Competition), i still cant believe can go 4 finals which are best in research, video, presentation and performance. I thought i can outwit sameer in robot performance, but he got full points, which was very lucky indeed.He later must show the guest of hornor his robot and run it...
it was embarrassing because he could not sense the blue ball.
What about me, chey won 1 best in entrepeunearship 2nd nia, no big deal, robot performance get 25/60 still can get the 11th position.wowwowowwowowowowwowowowwowowowwowowo
No choice, this time the principal still tell me i got potential in becoming a best... umm member lah. She was so happy, the tay lai ling, that we won 7 awards altogether. i should do my best in everything man.
And joel, sameer say he keep pestering the judges the marks by calling them, and ask me to add haising... Like I care.
Sameer, Its time I will be the next one to get champion!!!And because ms tay was so happy, she may sponsor 2 other teams to go for WRO( World Robotics Olympiad), so if I'm going, i will be flying to many places then later must come back for chalet... SiANZZZ
Now The TIME is up.
To tell You
Why today all see me???
even the stupid Damian Tan also tease me.
I whack ZHenyi Cuz she took my money
Lol, then the damian thought i doing something funny
In fact, I do like her...
Now as a friendSo to end my mission
Damn it man my CCa
Sianzzz, during september holiday everytime gt cca. they tink NJRC very important, especially the mr ROLAND ANG.
Last friday my team went to the finals for that stupid competition, for the presentation, research and video. this all wasted my time remembering the script...
Continuing ltr..