Yay, all CCA stand down ler
more time to study to proof to Xiao Jun that she is inferior to me...
always say my results lousy(actualy is true la, dun even believe that my maths lose to Henry Elmo Mo Wayne Dicky Ma KOK Xuan Er Park, and chinese lose to timmi. Timmi that Bas****, nvm was angry with him cuz he dota very. very action lah.
Studies aside but still
do you agree that leisures are more important than studying???
i tink so because without relaxation we wont be able to cope up with our studies,thus our grades will deprove.
I don't know how Xiao Jun study but sure must have plenty of rest
Here's one tip(DO not study too much before the actual day, just do whatever you wanna do)
anyway tips are like ti**, seems like Gayathri is blind...
my geog essay she say write till so good but she only give me 7/10 GrrH!!!
Zhenyi say if shiwei apologise to her she will forgive me.
end up after shiwei apologise liao, she dun talk to me liao...(please do not elaborate further on my tagboard!!!) its just a summary of whats happening today..
COOL! Damian, i will hate you now man, -.-
Moral of story is here
Do not trust anyone except yourself
Even if your friend is kind and you are that kind of person who likes KIND people, just still dont' trust them.
I'm going to find out who the faggot write in my tagboard insulting me!!!
F*** Off man, you irritate me
...Oh ya, i jus remembered having some photos so come and take a look!!!.
1st: Reconise this guy
2nd:Ma ME MOle
3rd:Black black actually too black
4th:Look carefully at what they are doing. notice the girl looks like sucking somthin from this view

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