Decisions Have to be made
pass few weeks,
not using com means going for my CCA
now i found out that school is more fun than slacking at home
-.-, my dad already told me buy Sec 3 textbook read liao
no interest
so bought bio and social studies,just for reference
then everyday at home is play dota
if not read manga
God, if u really exist then help me fufill my prayer of not getting bored everyday..
then today
dunno whether wanna go CCA or follow frens go watch the gameplan
feel like watching the movie
but cannot neglect my CCA leh
Short post
cuz nothin to post about
the question above
give me the ans on my tagboard
THXS!!! :D
Getting of report book and saying goodbye to class 2E6
Well, this year had been quite exciting for me in school, especially with friends
started off not knowing each other
and now changing of classes
but even though we are not in the same class
we still can meet in school rite
Started off today with a talk on Ms tay leaving the school
Felt quitesad cuz Ms tay contributed alot to the school
and help me indirectly with my CCA too
next principal going to be Nic father
f*** name
if u call it
Then mr ang sang a song
dunno what song was that
but quite nice
mdm chok join in but cannot hear her voice at all
anw had our lessons
but not studying
excpt in mr wong's class
learn sec 3 work on indices
quite easy
duh, i'm smart rite
then gayathri let us watch Hotel Rwanda
picture quality damn poor cuz i can't even see the people in the show
then the des and huan keep sing Jenny
very the irritating
Listen up cool breeds
if u insult me one more time
i'll make sure u are cool dog the extreme
(if u tink i'm talking bout u,so be it!)
nice having friends around but not cool friends
i'll explain it later
zzz gonna suffer
after mr wong lesson got back report book
sian become no.17 in class
drop 1 rank compared to last year where i got no.16,
dunno leh
so many ppl overtake me tis year
maybe becuz this year i too slack
damn angry
nvm, ltr took class photo
then quickly went down to take a look at which class i was posted to
and guess wad
triple science geog
all 3E2
i got left out this time
not got,but felt
wa seh
look at my class
the kinda breed even overtakes the cool brian
ruisi,kahong,junhong,lyndon,chang feng
tink i'm gonna suffer in that class
i just cannot belive m luck
felt like appealing
but if appeal i wun be able to get my 100 bucks
but 3E6 is just too cool for me to fit in
nvm, go then go lor
dun like my reults anyway
they suck
ltr after looking at the results
go CCA
and Ms tan gave me a form ask me go for usher training for the open house
dun think i'll be there cuz i going Shanghai meeting Ziyong
then come home no 1 so i watch naruto shippuuden 32, sian still no hinata!!!
then watch naruto movie 1
quite sleepy
hope my mum keeps my promise to give me my 100 bucks
Like to say my thxs and give my gratitude to 2e6
CCA Sharing
CCa sharing was boring
Stupid president ask me continue the the meeting
talk to the ppl
i hate science n tech man
not even one of them can keep their mouth shut
and they look retarded as always
i really feel like quitting the club
but because can go shanghai
so jus let it be
if not i zhao jiu like zhou you and teckwee dun come CCA liao
they appear after recess, come and listen to the boring talk
was playing PSP and the teacher sitting beside me don't even realise it
-.- Justin so act like so so so big shot, nah jkjk
after the meeting
went back class play PSP again
very angry lost to Justin
the unexpected winner who won timmi and shiwei too
in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Hero
play finish liao
wanted to go home 1
took 985 then saw Marcus, Genesis,Chris tay, ronghao and gary wong
told me to go lan play cs
ltr change to dota
didnt noe there was such a lan which allows ppl to go in wearing school uniform
the ten mile junction lan damn big
somemore got 2 storeys
went in and sign up become a member
cuz only become a member then can play
first game played with other ppl
the malays damn pro sia
lost to them
2nd match use dwarven
thought i was winning at first
cuz vs genesis, marcus and gary wong
marcus say he second time play
so let him use razor lor
but they late game liao own us back
3rd match
all randomly select except marcus
cuz he not that shou with the game
random till necrolic
then at first thought die liao
dun know how to use
but ltr beyond godlike
dunno how i did that
after that play a liitle cs before we went off
all went plaza eat
i didn't really eat lah
on diet, jkjk
took 975 with 4 of them cuz genesis go home first then marcus take another bus
then plan on when to play in the evening
now evening
jus lost a match
having a match ltr
wish me luck
The Bizzare Bizworld
Today quite boring
i thought we were going to know which class we are posted to...
but then Mr Seng came in
and taught us some business kinda training
Gave us 1BB(1 big buck)
can trade for 10 shares
shares like so reatrd lah
some team get so much some got so little
My team consist of the retarded Loon Rong, Priscilla, Anita,Dry lips Nic and me
of couse
was ditched by the stupid shiwei grp
I was the VP of Manufacturing
though i slack and did not really manufacture at all
Mr Seng keep talk bout what kind of business opportunity is there
then wow, quite realistic
need go interview to sell yr shares,
came back with 30 BB after selling 3 shares
if i go can sure get back 39BB
Becuz is dry lips go wad
cant speak well cuz lips to dry
forgot to put moisturiser -.-
Loon Rong,as usual spend his time laughing and looking retarded
others quite reasonable
pris and anita came out with a prototype
actually should be LOOny doing..
but he cant think of any ideas.
(:at least i did my job in putting the beads in to pur product
Nic take 1 bead only sure drop the bead 1
LOl, Recess still nid crack our brains mindstorming on our product
while the shiwei grp playing PSP
ltr kan bu xia ya then go join them
Mr Seng oso dun care whether got bring Handphone anot
still can show it to him
(actually show him our product,cuz its hung on phones)
Pls do not tell anyone if u read this
Urm, Nic and John steal company money
LOL,now we still got 19BB
Even mr seng oso dun even noe we gt take the money
John gave the money to timmi
i ask timmi if he gt extra money\
then told me dun have><
wad a liar
Qiu Li almost found out about it but luckily
she did not realise the bag lost some money
apart from that incident
nothing nice about the program leh
like lecture like that
BTW i love Byakuugen Hinata
oh, sry, is Hyuuga Hinata
especially in shipuudden!!!
Bests of all
my results are here
maybe 1 of the top in class
from the standard of my work... jkjk
anw even though i did quite well in some subject and nt so well fer others,
i still think that its still right not to be too proud of your own results
u never know when someone is gonna beat u in for example maths and geography
unexpectedly, i lost them because i was too complacent
Complacent makes u feel good, only for a time being
in other words,it does not last long
kk time to announce my results
don't be too shock becuz all of you would
got back all results by yesterday so fast
of course all needs some targetting
Mother tongue:70/100
not even 1 meet my target.....
gt for (overall)
1.english- 60/100 note: not bad, always gt 50 to 57 for english
2.maths- 89/100 note: should get higher, cuz my stupid paper 1 pull my marks down note: sec B gave me a fright
4.MT-64/100 note: i hate CAs, only for chinese(contradicts to Q5.)
5.Art-B3 note: SA2 only 59, but dunno how i gt B3, maybe im jus good in CAs
6.lit-70/100 note: SA2 58 or 59 nia
7.geog-(SA2)69.5/100 note: teacher never tell overall!!!
thats all i have
as foe design n t
Mr tan never tel ask the marks he gave us
but never mind
dnt only wad
no big deal
back to post exams holidays
staying at home makes me feel homesick
i can't stand it any longer
gotto go out for some fresh air.
no pics
happy that gonna change phone again
though i jus change it in Augustand getting $100
yay can buy PSP ler
my mother finally allow me to buy
November december goin Japan and Shanghai
hope to see u guys there !!!!
To say goodbye
if i did anything wrong to any of u guys
i'm just here to say sorry
Everyone in 2E6 is my best of friends
even if they hurt me or not
dunno why i'm sayig all this
like too fast lah
school haven't even over
class haven'e even seperate
gt something wrong with me
i will forward this message to my upcoming post on November
but still
I like Click 5
maybe they did help me well in my english exams
believe it or not
if i start to hear english songs
my english will gradually improve
and if i hear chinese songs, the same thing happens
my chinese improves
but if i hear both together,
both languages becomes ,nt lousy but nt good too
Btw i love Naruto
especially Hinata!!!
MOre Post exams trip
Kinda boring after the exam though
vut at least can go out and play dota
Dota sucks with ziyong around
taking ppl item and selling them away
wad a ****er
Lets nt talk about that guy
no,不尊出去,只可以在家里看 WWE
看John Cena 怎样输World Championship
huh, jiejie pls!!!
those were the last few words i hear from my phone before the line went dead, now i know what make wayne hesitate so much before he could go out with us...
now i know, it was his Sister winnie
But anyway, without mr ma oso very fun
but last freiday so boring
go Jurong point then go Imm
ass lah
keep saying about me
then the zhenghuan like dog like that
keep say 'i never say you ah', so lame]
he was the 1 hu started the nonsense
The faggot guy plus Brian the cool breed for dog

Wad about brian pics
nt much but all very...

Huan sometimes very dumb
say the guy in the pic is a security guard

now still gt timmi and shiwei go
but they not in the lime light
desmond oso go

Plus timmi buy billabong slippers from Jurong Point
buy till so expensive jus for 1 slipper
but too bad timmi pic cannot upload
gt some problem
Courage is needed to tell the truth which is difficult to be told
Have a break,,, Play some tennis
Wa!!! After exams liao
First day after exams, go brian house, dunno do wad
Many things
We play com, PSP, and best of all tennis
John play tennis very funny lor
Then it was quite fun actually
FIrst time playin...LOL but still can beat the 3 years experience Brian..
Oh how sad,
but i tink is he give me chance 1...
Becuz i really damn noob at tennis -.-
Then half way through the game, Shiwei came,
from science centre with justin come Brian hse
Lamer sia he
go with justin to science centre
now science centre oso have nothin
Tennis was surely a kick
but PSP too
so cool Maito Guy
wanna become Hokage liao
helpin timmi with his game becuz john stuck on brian's computer and keep show off his CS skills

Nothin else to say leh
cuz brian house quite sian
no go gym, swimmin or play monopoly
or watch movie cuz nic never rent any CD
Only gt pics to show

Short post
Today finally friday and 6 exams have finish!!!
And Geog was so difficult
The Map reading dunno how to do
Very tired
Dunno if Geog can win Xiao Jun anot
I very scared now
cuz this year, this time is my most slack day of my entire exam i've been through..
First win the day before in dota
very happy
but dunno whether the win will change my fate in the exam
So dun be too superstitious,LOL
Told YOU was a short post
In fact too short!!!!!!!